From AsIsWiki
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Welcome to FreeBSD!
> 1. Boot FreeBSD [default]
Country Selection
> 178 Russian Federation
System Console Keymap
> Russia KOI8-R
sysinstall Main Menu
> Standard
FDISK Partition Editor
> D = Delete Slice > A = Use Entire Disk > S = Set Bootable > Q = Finish
Install Boot Manager for drive ad0
> Standard = Install a standard MBR (no boot manager)
FreeBSD Disklabel Editor
> A = Auto Defaults > Q = Finish
Choose Distributions
> All = All system sources, binaries and X Window System > X Exit
Choose Installation Media
> 1 CD / DVD
Would you like to configure any Ethernet or SLIP / PPP network devices?
> Yes
Network interface information required Выбираем первый интерфейс в списке, например:
> xl0 3COM 3c90x/3c90xB PCI ethernet card
Do you want to try IPv6 configuration of the interface?
> No
Do you want to try DHCP configuration of the interface?
> No
Network Configuration
Host = Domain = IPv4 Gateway = Name server =, IPv4 Address = Netmask =
Would you like to bring the xl0 interface up right now?
> No
Do you want this machine to function as a network gateway?
> Yes
Do you want to configure inetd and the network services that it provides?
> No
Would you like to enable SSH login?
> Yes
Do you want to have anonymous FTP access to this machine?
> No
Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS server?
> No
Do you want to configure this machine as an NFS client?
> No
Would you like to customize your system console settings?
> No
Would you like to set this machine's time zone now?
> Yes
Select local or UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) clock?
> No
Time Zone Selector
> 8 Europe
Cantries in Europe
> 34 Russian Federation
Russian Federation Time Zones
> 2 Moscow+00 - west Russia
Does the abbreviation 'MSD' look reasonable?
> Yes
Would you like to enable Linux binary compatibility?
> Yes
Does this system have a PS/2, serial, or bus mouse?
> No
The FreeBSD package collection is a collection of thousands of ready-to-run applications, from text editors to games to WEB servers and more. Would you like to browse the collection now?
> No
Would you like to add any initial user accounts to the system? Adding at least one account for yourself at this stage is suggested since working as the "root" user is dangerous (it is easy to do things which adversely affect the entire system).
> No
New Password: ******* Confirmation Password: *******
Visit the general configuration menu for a chance to set any last options?
> No
sysinstall Main Menu
> Exit Install
Are you sure you wish to exit? The system will reboot (be sure to remove any floppies / CDs / DVDs from the drives)
> Yes
Форум |